Science Degrees

There are several types of sciences and many of them branch out or merge into other subjects. Choosing a science degree actually depends on the type of career you have in mind. Numerous well-recognized universities in the US offer accredited degrees in various sciences. A few examples are as follows;

  • The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has one of the best Schools in Engineering, Technology, Life Sciences, and Computer Science. It offers a wide range of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs in these areas.
  • Stanford University also offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in Engineering, Management, and Computer Science, etc.
  • The University of California-Berkeley and the Georgia Tech, both offer excellent Engineering Management degrees.
  • Caltech offers several accredited Science degrees (in Engineering, Computer Science, Biological Sciences and Technology, etc.) at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Other top-tier universities that offer these degrees include Harvard, Princeton, Carnegie Mellon University, The University of California at Los Angeles, and many others.

What Is Science?

Science is generally defined as a methodically organized body of knowledge on a specific subject. Science degrees mostly come under the umbrella of STEM subjects which are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc. are very broad and often branch out into numerous specialized areas like Molecular Biology or Biochemistry, etc. Similarly, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering sciences also merge or branch out to form various specialized subjects such as Systems Engineering or Management Information Systems, Cybersecurity, and so on.

What Can You Do with a Science Degree?

Some science careers require a postgraduate degree such as a master’s or Ph.D., while others may just need a bachelor’s degree. Your career will depend on the type of science you choose. Some of the most popular and well-paid careers in science are described below. The salary details of these careers were reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Computer and Information Systems Managers

A bachelor’s degree in computer science, management information systems, or an MBA with more than 5 years of field experience can get you to this position. Typical duties of Computer and Information Systems Managers include planning, directing, and coordinating computer-related activities in an institution/organization.

Annual Median Salary, 2019 Job Outlook, 2018-2028 Annual Mean Salary, 2019 State with the Highest Employment Level, 2019 State with the Highest Salary, 2019
$146,360 11% $156,390 California 75,700
New York $190,390


Architectural and Engineering Managers

Although you may be able to get employed in this position with a bachelor’s degree and more than 5 years of field experience, many employers prefer candidates with graduate-level degrees i.e., master’s. The typical duties of Architectural and Engineering Managers include planning, directing, and coordinating activities in architectural and engineering companies.

Annual Median Salary, 2019 Job Outlook, 2018-2028 Annual Mean Salary, 2019 State with the Highest Employment Level, 2019 State with the Highest Salary, 2019
$144,830 3% $152,930 California 34,140
California $179,860



This position requires a doctoral degree in Physics. Physicists are scientific doctors who research unchartered areas of physics to develop theories and devise ways to apply the laws and theories of physics.

Annual Median Salary, 2019 Job Outlook, 2018-2028 Annual Mean Salary, 2019 State with the Highest Employment Level, 2019 State with the Highest Salary, 2019
$122,850 9% $131,080 1,950 California
Kansas $181,190

What to Expect from a Science Degree?

The curriculum of a degree helps you understand what your future career would look like. Therefore, while considering a degree, you must go through the courses in its curriculum to see if they fit with your career goals. For example, if you desire to become a Computer and Information Systems Manager, you must complete a degree in Computer Science that also has relevant courses in Information Systems. The curriculum of such a degree should cover topics like,

  • Management Information Systems
  • Foundations of Computing
  • Mechanics, Concepts, Calculations, and Context
  • Calculus
  • Programming Abstractions, etc.

For details on the curriculum of a particular degree, please visit the official website of the desired university.

How to Choose a Science Degree?

Several factors must be taken into consideration when it comes to choosing a degree. These factors highlight whether the degree/institution will help advance your career. While choosing a degree, always give importance to;

  • The accreditation of degree
  • The reputation of the university
  • The achievements of the faculty
  • The duration and affordability of degree
  • The admission and graduation criteria, etc.

Science Degree Admission Requirements

Every school, college, department of science at a university sets its own admission criteria for each degree separately. The admission criteria vary at each level and get more demanding with advanced degrees i.e., master’s and doctoral. Generally, all universities require the application to be submitted online with a series of documents such as;

  • Transcripts from previous institutions
  • Letter of intent/motivation or a statement of purpose (also known as a personal statement)
  • CV/Resume
  • Letters of Reference
  • International applicants are often required to submit TOEFL/IELTS and/or GRE/GMAT scores

For specific details on a particular degree, please see the official website of your desired university.